Giuseppe Iazeolla
Professor of Computer Science
Software Engineering
System Performance Modelling


 Prof. Giuseppe  I A Z E O L L A  List of Publications and Research Projects   

1)   Books, Monographs and Editions

2)   Dossiers  

3)   Scientific Publications

4)   Scientific Reports

5)   Research Projects


1)   Books, Monographs and Editions


[1]         G. Iazeolla, "Principi di Sistemi Elaboratori in Grande Scala", Siderea , Roma, 1978.


[2]         G. Iazeolla, "Simulazione di Sistemi Continui e Discreti", ETS, Pisa, 1979.


[3]         G. Iazeolla, "Introduzione alla Simulazione Discreta", Boringhieri, Torino, 1980.


[4]         G. Iazeolla, Argomento "Simulazione" della Enciclopedia delle Scienze Fisiche, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, 1986.


[5]         "Mathematical Computer Performance and Reliability", Edited with P.J. Courtois and A.  Hordjik, North Holland Publishing Co. , 1984.


[6]         "Computer Performance and Reliability", Edited with P.J. Courtois and O. Boxma, North  Holland Publishing Co., 1988.


[7]         "Simulation Methodologies, Languages, Architectures, AI and Graphics for Simulation", Edited with A. Lehmann and H.J.Van Den Herik, The Society for Computer Simulation International, University of Ghent, Belgium, 1989.


[8]         “EUROSIM 92 Simulation Congress”, Edited with F. Maceri, North Holland Publishing Co., 1993.


[9]         "PERFORMANCE '93", Edited with S. Lavenberg, Elsevier Publishing Co. 1993.


[10]      G. Iazeolla, “Impianti Reti Sistemi Informatici. Modellistica, Valutazione delle prestazioni, Progetto, con Tecniche Analitiche e di Simulazione”, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2004 e 2008 (Seconda Edizione).


[11]      G. Iazeolla, “Principi e Metodi di Simulazione Discreta. Simulazione sequenziale, parallela, distribuita, simulazione web. Metodi di Analisi dell’Output”, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2010.


[12]      G. Iazeolla, “RETI IMPIANTI E SISTEMI INFORMATICI - Esercizi di risoluzione analitica e Simulazione centralizzata e distribuita con guida all'uso di HLA e SimArch.” Franco Angeli., Milano 2012,, ISBN: 978-88-568-4540-2


[13]     G.Iazeolla, “Affidabilità e Sicurezza del Software”, Franco Angeli, Milano 2013    ISBN: 978-88-204-2073-4.



2)    Dossiers


[1]   Iazeolla G., “L'Informazione nella Organizzazione e nella Produzione”

       University of  Naples & CIVIS-Olivetti Seminar, Ivrea 1963.


[2]  G.Iazeolla, “Dall’architettura all’ingegneria quantitativa. Un passaggio obbligato per la società informatica”,  Media Duemila, Vol.2, no. 6, June 1984.


[3]    G.Iazeolla,”Spunti per un dibattito sull’Ingegneria Informatica”, Rivista di Informatica, Vol. XIV, no. 2, April 1984.

[4]   G.Iazeolla, “Nuove architetture per supercalcolo. Finalizzazione e rapporto costo/prestazioni”

  Università di Roma TorVergata Seminar, June 1989.


[5]   G.Iazeolla, “Nuove architetture per supercalcolo”,   Lettera dall’Italia, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana      Anno V,  n. 18 April 1990.

[6]   G.Iazeolla, “Simulazione Marina. Uno strumento per la sicurezza della navigazione. Convegno Lions International, Nuove tecnologie per la sicurezza della navigazione nel Mediterraneo, Giardini di Naxos, Italy, May 2-3, 1991.


3)   Scientific Publications


3.1)         Scientific Publications  made at the time of  the National Research Council (Roma&Pisa) and the University of Pisa

[1]   Iazeolla G., “Un aspetto combinatorio del problema della multiprogramnmazione” Istituto Nazionale per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, CNR,  695, 10 , Roma.   Dec. 1967, DOI           10.13140/2.1.1048.1283.

[2]    Iazeolla G., “Il controllo a microprogramma del Calcolatore INAC”  Calcolo 5, 603-612, Jan. 1968,    DOI  10.1007/BF02576099

[3]     Iazeolla G, Gallo G.,  “Il  gam, ovvero un time-sharing cablato sul Calcolatore INAC,  Calcolo 5, 613-625 Jan. 1968,  DOI  10.1007/BF02576100

[4]    Iazeolla G.,  “Sulla trasformazione di un elaboratore in n elaboratori virtuali”, Calcolo 5(S1), 591-602,       March 1968,  DOI  10.1007/BF02576098

[5]    Iazeolla G.,  “Sistemi a partizione-di-tempo: Sviluppo teorico di un algoritmo di servizio con   priorità”,  Calcolo 5(2), 251-275 June 1968,  DOI  10.1007/BF02576110

[6]     Iazeolla G.,  “Sistemi a commutazione di messaggio controllati con elaboratori. Necessità di una analisi di efficienza dei dispositivi di memoria di archivio”, XVI Congresso Scientifico per l'Elettronica, March 1969,  DOI 10.13140/2.1.4128.3207

[7]   Iazeolla G.,  “Computer controlled message switching systems. Evaluating the efficiency through the hierarchical message store”, Colloque International sur la Teleinformatique, Paris, Maison de l’UNESCO, March 1969,  DOI 10.13140/2.1.3653.1847

[8]   Iazeolla G.,  “Modeling and Decomposition of Information Systems for Performance Evaluation”,  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, Project MAC, Cambridge, USA,  26, June 1971,  DOI  10.13140/2.1.3395.1367

[9]    Iazeolla G.,  “Walking Strategies for a Single-Server Multiqueue Service System”, International Federation for Information Processing IFIP Congress 71, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia Aug. 1971 North Holland Publishing Co. 1972

[10]  Iazeolla G.,  “Architectural Principles for Computer System Hardware Configuration”,       COMPCON'72 International Conference, Sixt Annual IEEE Computer Society Conference,  San Francisco, Cal., USA Sept. 1972,  DOI 10.13140/2.1.4267.5841

[11]   Iazeolla G.,  “Modelli per Elaborazione Parallela”, Convegno AICA di Informatica Teorica, Pisa,              Italy, March 1973,  DOI  10.13140/2.1.1343.0402

[12]  Iazeolla G.,  “A Set Theoretic Model of Protection”, International Workshop on Protection in   Operating Systems,  INRIA, Rocquencourt, France,  Aug. 1974,  DOI  10.13140/2.1.3808.8325

[13]   Iazeolla G.,  “Some Principles for the Configuration of Generalized Computer Systems, Part 1:  General   System    Model”, Ricerche di Automatica, Vol.6 , no.2-3,  Dec. 1975,  DOI 10.13140/2.1.4947.5206

[14]   Iazeolla G.,  “Some Principles for the Configuration of Generalized Computer Systems. Part 2: System Decomposition and Evaluation”, Ricerche di Automatica, Vol.6,  no.1-2,  Dec. 1975,  DOI 10.13140/2.1.4947.5206

[15]  Iazeolla G., Martinelli  E., Tedone O, “Production and representation of computer system simulation    models”, ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest 7(4):205-212, July 1976, DOI: 10.1145/1013610.807316

[16]  Iazeolla G., “A graph model for scheduling processes in systems with parallel computations”, Calcolo  13(3), 321-349 Sept. 1976, DOI: 10.1007/BF02575939

[17]  Iazeolla G., Martinelli E, Tedone O,  “Analysis and simulation of queueing systems with setup classes”, R.A.I.R.O, Informatique/Computer Science, Vol. 11, no. 2,  185-22, Jan. 1977

[18]  Iazeolla G., “Some mathematical properties of simulation models”, Proceedings Symposium on Simulation of Computer Systems, ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest 8(3):47-50, April 1977, DOI: 10.1145/1102766.1102772

[19]  Iazeolla G., Martinelli E, “Some notes on the queueing analysis of the scan policy of the walking server,  Calcolo 15(1):27-40, January 1978, DOI: 10.1007/BF02576043

[20]  Iazeolla G., Martinelli E, Pranevitchius H., “A method for the analytical representation of discrete event simulation models”, Statistical Problems of Control, Institute of Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR, Vol.33,  January 1979.

[21]  Iazeolla G., Antonelli S., “A new method for the detection of protection faults in capability-based     protection systems”,  Calcolo 16(2):143-156, June 1979, DOI: 10.1007/BF02575923

[22]  Iazeolla G., Tucci S., “Applicazioni di modelli stocastici  di Sistemi Distribuiti”, Rivista di     Informatica, Vol. IX, no.2, April 1981.

[23]   Iazeolla G., Caldini S. Ciapetti  M., “Time-slicing Effectiveness in Virtual Memory Systems”, Computer Performance, Vol.1, no.2,   Sept. 1980

[24]  Iazeolla G., Donatiello L, Tucci S.,  “Modelli Matematici Esatti per la Soluzione di Sistemi Distribuiti”, Rivista di Informatica, Vol. IX, no.3, July 1981

[25]  Iazeolla G., Donatiello L, Tucci S., “ Passage Times in Queueing Networks”,  Computer Performance, Vol.2, no. 4,  Dec. 1981.

[26]  Iazeolla G., Donatiello L, Tucci S.,  “Tecniche di Decomposizione e Aggregazione per la Soluzione di Sistemi Distribuiti”, Rivista di Informatica, Vol. IX, no.4, Dec. 1981.


 [27] Balsamo S., Iazeolla G., “An extension of the Norton Theorem for Queueing Networks”, IEEE   Transactions on Software Engineering”, Vol. 8 no. 4, 1982.


 [28] Donatiello L., Iazeolla G., “La Simulazione nella Valutazione delle Prestazioni”, Rivista di Informatica, Vol.12 no.3, 1982.


 [29]     Donatiello L., Iazeolla G., S. Tucci,” Passage times in Computer/Communication Networks with Non-Deterministic Routing”, ACM Computer Network Symposyum. University of Maryland, April 1982, published in ACM Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 11, no.1, 1982


 [30]   Balsamo S.,  Iazeolla G., “Some Equivalence Properties for Queueing Networks with and without Blocking”, Proc. International Conference PERFORMANCE 83, University of Maryland, North Holland Publishing Co, May 1983.


 [31]     Antonelli S., Iazeolla G., “ Multiple Access Control Policies in Capability-based Protection System”, Journal of Information Processing, Vol.6, n.1, 1983


 [32]     Balsamo S., Iazeolla G., “ Aggregation and Disaggregation in Queueing  Networks”, in Mathematical Computer Performance and Reliability,  North Holland Publishing Co., 1984.


 [33]     Balsamo S., Iazeolla G., “Product-Form Synthesis of Queueing Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol.11, No.1, 1985.


 [34]     Balsamo S., Iazeolla G., “ Synthesis of Queueing Networks with Block and State-Dependent Routing”, Computer Systems Science and Engineering J. ,Vol.2, No.2, 1986.


 [35]     Donatiello L., Balsamo S., Biagini G., Iazeolla G., Tucci S., “A SIMULA-67 based Software Tool for Computer Performance Evaluation”, Proc. 2nd European Simulation  Congress, Antwerp, Belgium, Sept. 1986.


[36]      Iazeolla G., Balsamo S., De Nitto Personé V., “Identity and Reducibility Properties of Some Blocking and Non-Blocking Mechanisms in Congested Networks”, Proc. International Workshop on Flow Control in Congested Networks , Springer Verlag, 1986 .


 [37]     Carbini S., Donatiello L., Iazeolla G., “An Efficient Algorithm for the Cycle Time  Distribution in Two-Stages Cyclic Queues With a Non-exponential Server”, Proc.International  Conference on   Teletraffic Analysis and Computer Performance Evaluation, North Holland Publishing Co., 1986.



3.2           Scientific Publications made at the time of  the University of Roma-TorVergata and the Guglielmo Marconi University


 [38]     Ciciani B., Grassi V., Iazeolla G., “Yield and Performability Evaluation of VLSI Reconfigurable Multiprocessor Structures”, in Computer Performance and Reliability,  North Holland Publishing Co., 1987.

 [39]     Grassi V., Donatiello L., Iazeolla G., “ Performability Evaluation of Multicomponent Fault Tolerant Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.R37, April 1988.

 [40]     Ciciani B., Iazeolla G., “A Straightforward Yield Model for Fault-Tolerant VLSI Memory Chips”, IFIP TC-10 Working Conference on Design Methodology and Computer Architecture”,  Sept.1988.

 [41]     Iazeolla G., “Cost/Performance Tradeoffs in Parallel Processing Systems”, Computer Engineering Seminar, University of Southern California, Oct. 1988, Invited Talk.

 [42]     Iazeolla G., Marinuzzi F.,”A few Remarks on Cost/Performance Relationships in Parallel Computer Architectures”,  ESM 89, European Simulation Multiconference, Rome, June 7-9 1989, Keynote Speech.

 [43]     Iazeolla G. Ciciani B, Colajanni M., Comella C., De Nitto V., “New Supercomputing Architectures and Parallel Simulation”, Proc. International Workshop on Supercomputing Tools for Science and Engineering”, Pisa, Dec. 1989.

 [44]     G. Iazeolla, “Scientific, Industrial and Commercial Concurrent Supercomputing”, Proc. Research Consortium Inc. IV European Symposium, Roma April 19-20 1990, Invited Paper.

 [45]     G. Iazeolla, B. Ciciani, “A Markov Chain-Based Yield Formula for VLSI Fault-Tolerant Chips”, IEEE-Transactions on Computer-aided Design,  Vol. 10, No. 2, February 1991.  

 [46]     G. Iazeolla, “The Complexity of Performance Evaluation in Parallel Systems and Algortithms”, Proc. IEEE Compeuro 91, Bologna , May 13-16, 1991,  Invited Paper.

 [47]     G.Iazeolla et Al., “Analisi delle Prestazioni di Sistemi Multiprocessor a Memoria Distribuita”,  in  “Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo”, a cura di B. Fadini, F.Angeli Editore, Milano, Giugno 1991.

 [48]     G. Iazeolla, “State Space Analysis and Reduction Techniques in the Performance Evaluation of Parallel Systems and Algorithms”, Proc. 1991 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Baltimore, Maryland,  June 22-24, 1991.

 [49]     G. Iazeolla, M. Colajanni,  M. Caporale,  “ A Simulation Tool for the Design of Satellite Data-Flow Handling Systems: Workload Characterization”, Proceedings EUROSIM ‘92,  1992 Eurosim Simulation Congress, Federation of European Simulation Societies,  Capri, Italy, Sept. 29- Oct. 3 1992.

 [50]     G. Iazeolla, M. Colajanni, S. Tucci, G. Calavaro, R. Patrignani, M. Caporale, P. Fortini., M. Mochi, “ A Simulation Tool for the Design of Satellite Data-Flow Handling Systems: General Architecture”, Proceedings BICSC ‘92 Conference, 2nd International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing, Beijing, China, Oct. 20-23, 1992.

 [51]     G. Iazeolla, F. Marinuzzi, “LISPACK: A Methodology and Tool for the Performance Analysis of Parallel Systems and Algorithms” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, May 1993.

 [52]  B. Ciciani, V. De Nitto, G. Iazeolla, F. Marinuzzi, “LISPACK/SIMCOR a Parallel Tool for the Performance Evaluation of Massively Parallel Systems” in “Models and Tools for Massively Parallel Architectures”, M. Vanneschi Editor, PFI-CNR, Subproject Parallel Architectures, June 1993.

 [53]     C.Comella, G.Iazeolla, “Simulazione Parallela ad Eventi Discreti”, Rivista di Informatica, vol. 24 n. 1, Gennaio 1994

 [54]     V. De Nitto Personè, G. Iazeolla, “Performance Analysis of the Parallel two-stage Queueing Model”,Performance Evaluation, Elsevier, 19, 2,1994, March 1994.

 [55]    Iazeolla G., Mirandola R. , D’Ambrogio A., “Collaborative IV&V by SPEED: A Tool kit for the Performance IV&V of Critical Software”,  Proceedings IEEE WET-ICE ‘95 Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprise, Berkeley Springs, WV, April 20-22, 1995.

[56]     Iazeolla G., Mirandola R., Bruti M., “Performance Analysis of Client/Server Database Arhitectures by the Independent Modeling Approach”, Proceedings EUROSIM 95, EuropeanSimulation Congress,Technical University of Vienna, Sept. 11-15, 1995.

[57]     Calavaro G., Basili V., Iazeolla G., “ Simulation Modelling of Software Development Processes”, Proceedings ESS’95, 7th European Simulation Symposium, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Oct. 26-28, 1995.

[58]     Cortellessa V., Iazeolla G., “ Sensitivity Analysis of the Speedup in Time Warp Parallel Simulation”, Proceedings ESS’95, 7th European Simulation Symposium, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Oct. 26-28, 1995.

[59]     Antonelli  C., Iazeolla G., “ Performance Modeling of a Class of Single-tier Client/Server Architectures”, Proceedings ESS’95, 7th European Simulation Symposium, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Oct. 26-28, 1995.

[60]      Iazeolla G., Mirandola R.,“ Analysis of two Simulation Methodologies in  Performance Studies of Distributed Data Bases ”, Proceedings ESS’95, 7th European Simulation Symposium, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Oct. 26-28, 1995.

[61]     D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., “Design of PEE-Oriented  Interoperable Multi-model Bases, based on ODP-like paradigms ”,  CERC-TR-RN-96-002, West Virginia University, Concurrent Engineering Research Center , 1996.

[62]      Antonelli C., Iazeolla G., “ Performance Modelling of Client/Server Architectures, with HPPM                       Servers,

              Based on the Parallel Processing Paradigm”, Proceedings HPCN’96, International Conference on High Performance Computing Networks, TU Delft  June 10-12, 1996.

[63]      Donzelli P., Iazeolla G., “ Performance Modeling of Software Development Processes”, Proceedings ESS’96, 8th European Simulation Symposium, Genova, Oct. 24-26, 1996.

[64]      D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., “ Distributed and Interoperable Multi-model bases for Simulation-based Distance Learning”,  Tokyo International Workshop on Distance Learning, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, November 18-20, 1996.

[65]      D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., “A CORBA- Based Approach to Design Gateways for Multidatabase Systems” , Proceedings IEEE WET-ICE ‘97 Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprise, MIT, Cambruidge, USA, June 17-22 1997.

[66]      Donzelli P., Iazeolla G., “ A Multilevel Hybrid Approach to Model Software Development Processes”, Proceedings ESS’97, 9th European Simulation Symposium, Passau , Germany, Oct. 20-22, 1997.

[67]      D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., “Design Concepts for Web-enabled Simulation Environments”, Keynote Speech, Proceedings ESS’97, 9th European Simulation Symposium, Passau , Germany, Oct. 20-22, 1997.

[68]      D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., Mirandola R.,  “A CSCW Environment to Engineer Quality in Software Products”, Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on CSCW in Design, Bangkok , Thailand, Nov. 26-28, 1997.

[69]      D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., “A Web-based Environment for the Reuse of Simulation Models”,  Proceedings , 1998 SCS Western Multiconference on Computer Simulation” San Diego, CA, USA, Juanuary 11-14- 1998.

[70]     D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G.,  “Distributed Systems for Web-based Simulation”,  Proceedings  ISCIS’98, 13th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences” October 26-28, 1998, Antalya, Turkey.

[71]      Donzelli, P. , Iazeolla G., “A Software Process Simulator for Software Product and Process Improvement”,  Proceedings International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES’99)”  June 22-24, 1999, Oulu, Finland. 

[72]      Cortellessa V. Iazeolla G., “Performance Analysis of Optimistic Parallel Simulations with Limited Rolled-back Events”,  Journal of Simulation Practice and Theory,  Vol.7, no.4, July 1999.

[73]      Cortellessa V., Iazeolla G., Mirandola R. “A Unifying Notation for Object-Oriented Specification for Use in Performance Validation”,  Proceedings WSDAAL’99,  L’Aquila  Sept.13-15 1999.

[74]      Iazeolla G., D’Ambrogio A., Mirandola R. “ Software Performance Validation Strategies”,   PERFORMANCE’99  Special Session on Strategies and Methods for System Performance Validation, in System Performance Methodologies and Applications, E. Gelenbe Ed., CRC Press Publisher, Boca Raton, FL, USA, Oct. 1999.

[75]      Cortellessa V., Iazeolla G., Mirandola R., “ Early Generation of Performance Models for Object Oriented Systems”,  IEE Proceedings Journal, Software, Vol. 147, No. 3, June 2000.

[76]      Donzelli P., Iazeolla G., “ Hybrid Simulation Modelling of the Software Process”,   Proceedings Prosim‘2000 Workshop, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, London UK,  July 12-14,  2000.

[77]      Donzelli P., Iazeolla G.,  “ A Dynamic Simulator of Software Processes to test Process Assumptions”,   The Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier,  56 (2001), March 2001.

[78]      Iazeolla G.,“ Performance Validation of Software Systems”, Guest Editorial, Performance Evaluation Journal, 45 (2001) Elsevier, 77-79.

[79]      Cortellessa V., D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., “ Automatic Derivation of Software Performance Models from CASE Documents”,   Performance Evaluation Journal, 45 (2001) Elsevier, 81-105.

[80]      Donzelli P., Iazeolla G., “ A Hybrid Software Process Simulation Model”,   The Journal of Software Process Improvement and Practice, Wiley, 2001, 6, pp 97-109.

[81]      Donzelli P., Iazeolla G., “ Hybrid Simulation Modelling of the Software Process”,  The Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier,  (59) 3  (2002), pp 227-235.

[82]      D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., Mirandola R. “A Method for the Prediction of Software Reliability”, Proc. Software Engineering and Applications Conference 2002, Cambridge, MA, USA Nov. 2002.

[83]      D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., “ Steps towards the Automatic Production of Performance Models of Web Applications”, Computer Networks, Elsevier Science, Jan. 2003.

[84]      D’Ambrogio A., De Nitto Personè V., Iazeolla G., “ Model-driven maintenance of QoS characteristics in heterogeneous networks”, Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2004, Aykanat Dayar Korpeoglu Eds., Springer, Oct.2004

[85]      D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., “Design of XMI-based tools for building EQN models of software systems”, Proc. 23rd IASTED International Multiconference, Software Engineering, Innsbruck, Feb. 15-17 2005 .

[86]      D’Ambrogio A., Iazeolla G., “ Metadata-driven design of integrated environments for software performance validation”, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Science, 76 (2005), 127-146.

[87]      D’Ambrogio A.,.Iazeolla G.,  “ Performance Model Building of Pervasive Computing”,  Proc. 2005 Workshop on Techniques, Methodologies and Tools for Performance Evaluation of Complex Systems,  Torino  Sept. 18, 2005, IEEE Conference Publishing Services, pp 44-53.

[88]      V. De Nitto Personè, G. Iazeolla, “The Achille’s Heel of Computer Performance Modelling. The Model Building Shield”, in Computer System Performance Modelling in Perspective-A Tribute to Prof. Kenneth C. Sevcik. E Gelenbe and  E. Lazowska Eds, Imperial College Press, London 2006.

[89]      V. de Nitto Personè, G. Iazeolla, “Resource allocation in Mobile Systems with Flexible QoS Requirements”, Proceedings 10th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, Athens, Greece, July 13-15, 2006, WP2 pp. 487-492, WSEAS Press, 2006.

[90]      A. D’Ambrogio, D. Gianni, G. Iazeolla, “SimJ: A Framework to Develop Distributed Simulators”, Proceedings of the 2006 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Calgary, Canada, July 31 – August 2, 2006.

[91]      V. de Nitto Personè, G. Iazeolla, “QoS Management in Wireless Networks”, Proc. 2006 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), July 31 – August 2, WP2 pp. 493 -501, Society for Computer Simulation International, 2006.

[92]      V. de Nitto Personè, G. Iazeolla, “Efficient Model-driven Service Management in Mobile Systems”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, WP2 vol. 5, nn. 9, pp. 2056 – 206, WSEAS Press, 2006.

[93]      A. D’Ambrogio, D. Gianni, G. Iazeolla, “jEQN: a Java-based Language for the Distributed Simulation of Queueing Networks”, LNCS vol. 4263/2006, Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS’06), Istanbul, Turkey, November 1-3, 2006.

[94]      A. D’Ambrogio, D. Gianni, G. Iazeolla, “Software Technologies for the Interoperability and Reusability of Distributed Simulators”, Proc. Euro SIW 2007, Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization,  Genova, Italy, June 18-20, 2007.

[95]      A.D’Ambrogio, G.Iazeolla, L Pasini “A method for the production of simulation models with applications to web interaction paradigms”,  Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory  J.,  15 (2007) 605–620,  Elsevier.

[96]      A. D’Ambrogio, D. Gianni, G. Iazeolla, “A Layered Architecture for the Model-driven Development of  Distributed Simulators”, Proc. SIMUTools, International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communication, Networks and Systems, Marseille, France, March 3-7, 2008.

[97]      A. D’Ambrogio, D.Gianni, G Iazeolla, A.Pieroni, ‘Producing  Simulation Sequences by use of a Java-based Generalized Framework”, EMS2008, European Modelling  Symposium 2008, Liverpool  Hope University, UK, Sept. 8-10 2008

[98]    G.Iazeolla, P.Kritzinger, P.Pileggi, “Modelling Quality of Service in IEEE 802.16  Networks”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks,  September 25 – 27 2008, Split, Croatia.

 [99]     A. D’Ambrogio, D.Gianni, G Iazeolla, A.Pieroni,, “ Distributed Simulation of Complex Systems by use of a HLA-transparent Simulation Language, ICSC2008, Proc. 7th International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing, Beijing, China, Oct.10-12,  2008

[100]    A.D’Ambrogio, G. Iazeolla, L. Pasini, A. Pieroni, “Simulation Model-building of Traffic  Intersections”,     Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory  J.,  16 (2008), Elsevier.

[101]    D’Ambrogio A., Gianni D., Iazeolla G., DisSimJADE: “A framework for the development of Agent-based Distributed Simulation Systems”, Proc. SIMUTools’09, International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communication, Networks and Systems, Rome, 2009.  

[102]   A. D’Ambrogio, D. Gianni, G. Iazeolla, A. Pieroni “HLA-transparent distributed simulation of agent-based systems”, in  Modeling Simulation and Optimization, Cap.1, In-Tech Eds. 2009. 

[103]    A. D’Ambrogio, D. Gianni, G. Iazeolla, “Ontology-based specification of simulation sequences”, IJSSST International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science and Technology, Vol. X, no. 1-B, Special Issue on  Internet modelling, semantic web and ontologies,  2009.

[104]   G. Iazeolla,  A.Pieroni, A. D’Ambrogio, D.Gianni, “ A Distributed Approach to the Simulation of Inherently Distributed Systems”, DEVS 2010, Symposium on Theory of Modelling and Simulation, Orlando, US,  April 12-15, 2010,  ISBN 978-1-61738-204-8 

[105]   G. Iazeolla,  A.Pieroni, A. D’Ambrogio, D.Gianni, “ A Distributed Approach  to Wireless System Simulation”,  AICT 2010, The 6-th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, Barcelona, Spain, May 9-15, 2010, ISBN 978-0-7695-4021-4

[106]   G. Iazeolla, A. D’Ambrogio, D.Gianni, “  A Methodology to Predict the Performance of Distributed Simulations”,  PADS 2010, The 24-th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced  and Distributes Simulation, Atlanta, US, May 17-20 , 2010.

[107]    P.Pileggi,  G.Iazeolla,  P. Kritzinger “ Developing deep simulation systems to study wirelwss network performance” , EUROSIM 2010, Proc. 7th  Eurosim Congress on Modelling and Simulation,  Technical University of Prague, Czech Republic.

[108]    A. D’Ambrogio, D.Gianni, G. Iazeolla, “A software architecture to ease the development of distributed simulation systems”.  Simulation-Transactions of the Society for Modelling and Simulation International, Vol. 87, no.9, pp.819-836,  2011.

[109]  A. Pieroni, G. Iazeolla, “On the Speedup/Delay Trade-Off in Distributed Simulations”, International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN), CSC Journals, Vol. 4: Issue 5, ISSN: 1985-4129, Aug. 2012.

[110]   G. Iazeolla, A. Pieroni, “The Effects of Speedup and Network Delays on Distributed Simulations”, Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, Berlin, Germany, Dec. 9-12, 2012.

[111]   G. Iazeolla, A. Pieroni, “Load Balancing and Resource Allocation in Distributed Simulation Systems”, MESM’2012, Eurosis Simulation Conference, Muscat, Oman (EAU),  Dec.10-12. 2012.   

[112]   P.Pileggi,  G.Iazeolla,  P. Kritzinger, , “Demonstrating the synergy between CAC and Scheduling in Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Modelling  Simulation and Scientific Computing, Vol.l4, no.1, March 2013, ISSN 1793-9623.

[113]    Iazeolla G, Pieroni A , “Power Control and Optimization in ICT”. In Proceedings of Seventh Global Conference of Power Control and Optimization. Nader Barsoum, Ivan Zelinka, Pandian Vasant, ISBN: 978-983-44483-63, Prague (CZ), Aug  25-26, 2013.

[114]    Iazeolla G, Pieroni A (2013). “Power Control and Optimization in ICT”.  AIP  ADVANCES  Journal , ISSN: 2158-3226

[115]    Iazeolla G, Pieroni A, “Power Management of Server Farms”., 2nd International Conference on Power Science and Engineering. Zurich Trans Tech Periodicals, Paris, Dec. 20-21, 2013.

[116]    Iazeolla G, Pieroni A,  “Power Management of Server Farms”, in  Applied  Mechanics and Materials  Series, Jan 2014, ISSN: 1660-9336.

 [117]    Iazeolla G. , Pieroni A., “Energy Saving in Data  Processing and Communication Systems”,  The Scientific World Journal, Hindawi Publishing Co. , June 2014.

[118] Forconi S, Iazeolla G., Pieroni A., “Simulation design of  wireless communications for digital Universities in developing countries” , Digital Universities Journal, Vol.1 no.5, 2014. ISN 2385- 2992.

[119]  Iazeolla G., Pieroni A., Forconi S,, “A supporting tool to design wireless infrastructures for distance education in developing countries”, 8th International GUIDE Conference and 5th Symposium on Education and Communication,, Universidate Tiradentes, Aracaju, Brazil, Nov.20-21, 2014, ISBN/ISSN 2179-4901.

[120]  Gianni D, Bocciarelli P, D’Ambrogio A, Iazeolla G.,  A Model-driven and Simulation-based Method to Analyze Buildng Evacuation Plans. In Proceedings 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). 2015, Dec 3-8, Doi: 10 418/978-1-4666-9755-3, Ch09

[121]    Iazeolla G, Pieroni A., Performance Engineering of Distributed Simulation Programs, In: Gianni D., D’Ambrogio A., Tolk A., Modeling and Simulation-based System Engineering Handbook,  Ch. 8, CRC Press, Dec.2015, ISBN 978-1-4665-7145-7.

[122]    Iazeolla G, Pieroni A., Engineering QoS and Energy Saving in the Delivery of ICT Services, In: Vasant P, Voropai N., Sustaining Power Resources through Energy Optimization and  Engineering. Ch. 3, Oct. 2016, ISBN: 9781466697560, DOI: 10 418/978-1-4666-9755-3.4.

[123]     Iazeolla G., Pompei F., ACS Simulation and Mobile Phone Tracing to Redraw Urban Bus Routes, 17th Industrial Simulation Conference, ISC’2019, ISEL Lisbon, Portugal, June 5-7 2019.

[124]     Vaser M., Iazeolla G., Evaluation of the Speech QoE in Voice over LTE Services, AICT 2019, the 15th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, July 28-Aug.02, 2019 Nice, France.

[125] Iazeolla G., Power management of Base Stations, Network and Communication Technologies Journal, Vol.7, No.1, May 2022, ISSN 1927-064X, pp 12-26.

[126]     Iazeolla G., Forconi S., Predicting the QoE of Video Streaming in Communication Networks, Network and Communication Technologies Journal, Vol.8, No.1, May 20232, ISSN 1927-064X, pp 38-52.


4)    Scientific Reports


4.1)  CINAC Olivetti Elea 9104 Reports

[1]        Iazeolla G., Modifiche e aggiunte agli Operatori del Calcolatore INAC (Olivetti Elea 9104), TR 1628, Istituto  per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, CNR, Roma , Oct.1966.

[2]        Iazeolla G., Il problema della marginatura della Memoria del Calcolatore INAC (Olivetti  Elea 9104), TR 1616, Istituto  per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, CNR Roma, May 1966.

[3]        Iazeolla G., L’Unità Centrale del Calcolatore INAC (Olivetti  Elea 9104), TR 1610, Istituto  per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, CNR Roma, May 1966.

[4]        Iazeolla G., Il Governo Accessi  alla Memoria  del Calcolatore INAC (Olivetti  Elea 9104), TR 1612, Istituto  per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, CNR Roma, June 1967.

[5]        Iazeolla G., Il Sincronizzatore e i Moduli I/O  del Calcolatore INAC (Olivetti  Elea 9104), TR 1611, Istituto  per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, CNR Roma, July 1967.

[6]        Iazeolla G., Ercoli P, Silveri G.,  Il Nucleo del Supervisore del Calcolatore  INAC (Olivetti  Elea 9104), TR 1571, Istituto  per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, CNR Roma,  Oct. 1967.

4.2)  Research Preliminary Reports

RI Reports (Rapporti di Informatica), Computer Science Research, University of Rome TorVergata. A number of 188 reports of various co-authors from 1987 to 2013.


5)    Research Projects List


5.1)  National and European Research Projects


·       Parallel computing and design of parallel algorithms

o   Design of Parallel Algorithms for Transputer Based MIMD Machines with Mesh Architecture, ESPRIT Parallel Computing Action.

·       Simulation design of satellite information systems

o   Simulation Design of the Ground Information System, ESA-TELESPAZIO Earth Observation System Program

·       Parallelizing techniques for linear algebra software, and discrete simulation software

o   LISPACK/SIMCOR parallel analytic/simulation for the performance evaluation of concurrent applications (CDS Concept SpA and CNR)

·       Methods for the engineering and evaluation of flight systems performance and dependability

o   GAAS Generic Approach to ATM Systems, EC DG XII

o   ADAGES Action plan Definition on the basis of Architecture studies from GAAS for EATMS Simulations, EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

o   DAAS Dependable Approach to ATM Systems, EC DG XIII

o   PAMPAS Preliminary Approach for Modelling Performance of ATM Systems, EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.

o   Performance Modeling of Rotor Applications , MICROSOFT Co.

o   SS&PSW Methods for the development of dependable complex software platforms, MAPSELESO SpA

o   Methods, techniques and tools for the performance evaluation of complex systems, Ministry of University and Research,  FIRB  Project.

·       Strategies and tools for system validation

o   EVAS EATMS Validation Strategy, EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.

o   VALERY Study for the Development of a Validation Data Repository,  EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigatio.n

o   EPVDR Enhanced Prototype Validation Data Repository, EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.

·       Methods and tools for model-driven system development

o   OATA Overall ATM Target Architecture, EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.

·       Software engineering

o   Software Verification and Validation Methods, Ministry of University and Reseach 40% Project.

o   ESEG, Experimental Software Engineering Group Research cooperation,  University of Maryland US.

o   Web Services Dependable Architectures, CNR Coordinated Project.

o   Software products and processes quality. Verification, validation and improvement  tools, CNR Coordinated Project.

o   Computer technologies for the evolution of open-source software for the distributed simulation of manufacturing systems, Ministry of University and Reseach  FIRB  Project.

o   Software projects cost estimation and verification

o   Software Acquisition Assessment, ENAV, Società Nazionale per l'Assistenza al Volo.

·       E-government information systems

o   Information System Quality Assessment, INAIL Istituto Nazionale Assicurazioni Infortuni sul Lavoro.

o   Adequacy Assessment of Computing Facilities and Network Services, ICE Istituto per il Commercio Estero.


5.2)  US & Overseas Research Projects


·       Computer Controlled System Engineering

o   Concurrent engineering studies, CERC  Concurrent Engineering Research Center) University of West Virginia 

·       Global computer networks for environment protection

o   University of West Virginia, CERES Project

·       Medical information systems, multimedia and collaboration technology for medical informatics

o   University of West Virginia, ARTEMIS Project

·       Analysis and Simulation of Wireless Networks Performance

o   Data Network Architecture Center, University of Cape Town, Research Cooperations.









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