Call for Papers
The CoMetS workshop aims to foster innovative research contributions that address collaboration issues in the field of M&S and vice versa.
Aside from seeking applications of collaborative technologies to M&S activities, the workshop seeks innovative contributions that deal with the application of M&S practices to the design of collaborative environments. These environments are continuously becoming more complex and therefore their design requires systematic approaches to meet the required quality of collaboration. This is important for two reasons: to reduce rework activities on the actual collaborative environment, and to maximize the productivity and the quality of the process the collaborative environment supports. M&S offers the methodologies and tools for such investigations and therefore it can be used to improve the quality of collaborative environments.
A non–exhaustive list of hi-level topics includes:
- collaborative environments for M&S
- agent-based M&S
- collaborative distributed simulation
- net-centric M&S
- web-based M&S
- model sharing and reuse
- model building and evaluation
- modeling and simulation of business processes
- modeling for collaboration
- simulation-based performance evaluation of collaborative networks
- model-driven simulation engineering
- domain specific languages for the simulation of collaborative environments
- domain specific languages for collaborative M&S
- databases and repositories for M&S
- distributed virtual environments
- virtual research environment for M&S
To stimulate creativity, however, the workshop maintains a wider scope and invites interested researchers to present contributions that offer original perspectives on collaboration and M&S.