3rd IEEE Track on

Collaborative Modeling & Simulation - CoMetS'12

in WETICE 2012
21st IEEE International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructures,
June 25 - 27, 2012, Toulouse (France)

Track Program (tentative)

Tuesday 26th, June

h:10:00-10:30 Futuristic Projects

  • A Vision on Collaborative Computation of Things for Personalized Analysis (slides)
    Justina Zander

h 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

h 11:00-12:30 Collaborative M&S in Space Systems Engineering

  • Collaborative Development and Cataloguing of Simulation and Calculation Models for Space Systems (slides)
    Daniel Lüdtk, Jean-Sébastien Ardaens, Meenakshi Deshmukh, Rosa Paris Lopez, Andy Braukhane, Ivanka Pelivan, Stephan Theil and Andreas Gerndt

  • Advanced Validation of Overall Spacecraft Behavior Concept Using a Collaborative Modeling and Simulation Approach (slides)
    Ana Rugina, Cristiano Leorato and Elena Tremolizzo

  • System Model Optimization through Functional Models Execution: Methodology and Application to System-Level Analysis (slides)
    Francesco Becherini, Michele Cencetti and Mauro Pasquinelli

h 12:30-13:30 Lunch

h 13:30-14:30 WETICE Joint Session

h 14:30-15:30 Distributed and Virtual Environments

  • A Collaborative Environment for Urban Landscape Simulation (slides)
    Pedro Brandão Silva, Antonio Coelho and Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti

  • A Framework for Distributed Control and Building Performance Simulation (slides)
    Azzedine Yahiaoui and Abd-El_kader Sahraoui

h 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

h 16:00-17:30 M&S for Collaboration

  • Simulation-Assisted Elicitation and Validation of Behavioral Specifications for Multiple Stakeholders (slides)
    Gregor Gabrysiak, Regina Hebig and Holger Giese

  • An Integrated Modeling Framework for Routing of Hazardous Materials
    Konstantinos Kokkinos, Eleftherios Papadopoulos, Nicholas Samaras an Kostas Chaikalis

  • Collaborative Business Process Modeling Approaches: A Review
    Saiqa Aleem, Sanja Lazarova-Molnar and Nader Mohamed

Wednesday 27th, June

h:10:00-10:30 Ambassadorship Session

  • INCOSE and AFIS Presentation (slides), Alain Kerbat

h 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

h 11:00-12:30 Domain Specific Languages and Model Repositories

  • DDML: A Support for Communication in M&S (slides)
    Oumar Maïga, Ufoama Bright and Mamadou Kaba Traoré

  • Modules for Reusable and Collaborative Modeling of Biological Mathematical Systems (slides)
    Mandeep Gill, Steve McKeever and David Gavaghan

  • A Package System for Maintaining Large Model Distributions in VLE Software (slides)
    Gauthier Quesnel and Ronan Trepos

h 12:30-13:30 Lunch

h 13:30-14:30 Plenary Session (Invited Talk)

h 14:30-15:30 Integrated Environments for Collaborative M&S

  • Integrated Modeling and Simulation Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks (slides)
    Baobin Wang and Joh Baras

  • Collaborative Modeling and Co-Simulation with DESTECS: A Pilot Study (slides)
    Ken Pierce, Carl Gamble, Yunyun Ni and Jan Broenink    


Please note that each paper is given 30 minutes for presentation and discussion. Participants are encouraged to attend the other workshops (see the complete program on the website of the main conference) when CoMetS is not in session. There is no extra charge for attending other workshops.


Last Update 28/05/2012

The Program is Out!

In cooperation with
logo MIMOS
Movimento Italiano Modellazione e Simulazione
logo AFISAssociation Française d'Ingénierie Système