Program co-chairs
Program Committee (TBC)
- Rosa Abbou, IUT, Université de Nantes, France
- Bernard Archimède, ENIT Tarbes, France
- Santiago Balestrini, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Youssef Bouanan, University of Bordeaux, France
- Raymond Houé Ngouna, ENIT Tarbes, France
- Giuseppe Iazeolla, Guglielmo Marconi University, Italy
- Alain Kerbrat, CollESys - AFIS, France
- Cristiano Leorato, Rhea, The Netherlands
- Steve McKeever, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Nuno Melão, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal
- David Nickerson, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, NZ
- Emiliano Paglia, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
- Wolfgang Prinz, Fraunhofer FIT and RWTH Aachen, Germany
- José L. Risco-Martin, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
- Volker Schaus, DLR, Germany
- Sara Tucci, CEA/List, France
- Gabriel Wainer, Carleton University, Canada
- Quirien Wijnand, European Space Agency, The Netherlands
CoMetS'21 is virtual with 2 rounds of