Andrea D'Ambrogio

Andrea D'Ambrogio is associate professor of software and systems engineering at the Department of Enterprise Engineering of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy).
He has formerly been assistant professor of computer science at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata", research associate at the Concurrent Engineering Research Center of the West Virginia University (USA), member of the Software Engineering research staff at the Department of Computer Science, Systems and Production of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata" and system manager of the department's Software Laboratory. He has been director of the post graduate Master degree in "Systems Engineering", established at the University of Roma "Tor Vergata" in 2012.
Andrea D'Ambrogio's research interests are in the software and systems engineering field, specifically in the areas of systems and software performance and dependability engineering, model-driven systems and software engineering, business process management, and distributed simulation. In such areas he has participated to several projects at both European and overseas level and has authored more than 150 journal/conference papers.
He has been general chair of the 2019 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim'19), the 2018 Summer Simulation Multi-Conference (SummerSim'18), the 49th Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2017), the SCS/ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation (TMS 2014) and the IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2008). He has served as program chair and/or member of the steering and program committee of various international conferences, among which IEEE WETICE, SCS/ACM SpringSim, SCS/ACM SummerSim, IEEE/ACM PADS, IEEE/ACM DS-RT and INFORMS/ACM Winter Simulation Conference.
He started the IEEE International Workshop on Collaborative Modeling and Simulation (CoMetS) in 2010 and the SCS/ACM International Symposium on Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (Mod4Sim) in 2011.
Andrea D'Ambrogio is associate editor of the Transactions of the Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SIMULATION journal), member of the editorial board the IAENG International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) and has been member of the editorial board of the Simulation Practice and Theory (SIMPAT) journal. He has been member of the scientific board of the ICT COST Action on “Multi Paradigm Modelling for Cyber Physical Systems” (MPM4CPS).
He is President of the Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS), and is member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, ACM, and INCOSE. He is also member of the Board of Directors of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC).
- Service-oriented Software Engineering 2021/22 2021/22
- Sistemi Software 2021/22 2021/22
- Ingegneria del Software 2020/21 - modulo 2 2020/21
- Internet-based Distributed Simulation 2020/21 2020/21
- Service-oriented Software Engineering 2020/21 2020/21
- Sistemi Software 2020/21 2020/21
- Ingegneria del Software 2019/20 - modulo 2 2019/20
- Internet-based Distributed Simulation 2019/20 2019/2020
Contact Information
Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Impresa
Via del Politecnico, 1
I-00133 ROMA (Italy)
Phone: +39 06 7259 7381