M&S Based Systems Engineering track at ANNSIM 2022

The track aims to bring together experts in model-based, model-driven software and systems engineering and M&S experts, with the objective to advance the state of the art in M&S based systems engineering and simulation systems engineering.
System architecture models describe the structure of a system by specifying its components and their relations. Modeling and Simulation (M&S) based systems engineering further promotes executable models and proposes simulation as the native mechanisms to address measures of performance and effectiveness throughout conceptual design, development and later systems life cycle phases.
As the system complexity increases, the executable system architecture (i.e., the simulation model) may become so complex that it is necessary to assess it not only as a valid support of SE processes but also as an objective of SE efforts. Executing an interdisciplinary systems engineering process for developing, maintaining and employing simulations, which enable systems engineers to experiment and gain insights about the systems of interest, is referred to as simulation systems engineering.
We invite and encourage researchers and practitioners of M&S based systems engineering and simulation systems engineering from any application domain to publish and share their contributions at the track.
A partial list of topics of interest includes:
- model-driven approaches (e.g., MDE, MDA, MDI) in simulation engineering
- model-based design
- model-based testing
- x-in-the-loop testing
- SysML and executable architectures
- domain specific languages
- metamodeling
- model transformations
- model continuity
- M&S based systems engineering in a given application domain (e.g., aerospace, defense, healthcare)
- M&S based system of systems (SoS) engineering
- M&S based engineering of adaptive systems
- M&S based engineering of ultra large scale (ULS) systems
- M&S based engineering of IoT systems
- M&S based engineering for Smart Cities
- M&S based engineering for Industry 4.0
- M&S based design of autonomy features
- model-based engineering of distributed simulation systems
- model-driven technologies for different simulation paradigms (discrete event simulation, multi agent simulation, sketch-based simulation, etc.)
To stimulate creativity, however, the track maintains a wider scope and welcomes all contributions offering original perspectives on M&S based systems engineering and simulation systems engineering.
The track is co-chaired by Andrea D'Ambrogio and Gregory Zacharewicz, and is part of the SCS 2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), held on July 18-21, 2022 at the San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA.