Modeling Methodology Track at WSC 2018

The Modeling Methodology track will be held as part of the Winter Simulation Conference 2018 (WSC 2018) – December 9-12 Gothenburg, Sweden.
The track is interested in methodological advances with respect to the theory and practice of modeling and simulation. These may include approaches to formal model development, data capture, model building, verification, validation, experimentation, and optimization. New modeling and simulation formalisms and extensions to current formalisms are welcome. We are also interested in contributions to the advancement of the technology, methods, and software used to support modeling. As such, our main topics of interest are:
- Modeling and simulation formalisms
- Metamodeling and model transformations
- Automated model building
- Data driven modeling
The Modeling Methodology Track overlaps with several other tracks that are addressing the application of the modeling methods of interest to this track. In this respect, the track is interested in contributions that specifically focus on methodological issues as applied to the following topics:
- Modeling and simulation as a service
- Modeling of and for Cyber Physical Systems
- Modeling for multi-level approaches
- Modeling for multi-resolution approaches
- Modeling for multi-paradigm approaches
- Modeling supporting parallel simulation
- Modeling supporting data mining
- Modeling supporting validation
Of special interest for the Modeling Methodology track at WSC 2018 is the communication of modeling and simulation approaches and its results towards other disciplines, in particular the humanities and arts contributing to the noble course. Therefore, papers are called for that address methodological issues in the following areas:
- Modeling for Communication of Challenges, Models, Simulations, and Results
- Modeling for Social Science and the Humanities
If you have a proposal for a special session or a panel discussion of particular interest to the WSC participants, please send an email with a short description and references to related work to track chairs.
Track chairs: Andreas Tolk, MITRE Corporation, and Andrea D’Ambrogio, University of Rome Tor Vergata