A model-driven approach for designing adaptive WEB GIS interfaces

TitleA model-driven approach for designing adaptive WEB GIS interfaces
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsAngelaccio, M., A. Krek, and Andrea D'Ambrogio
Conference NameLecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
ISBN Number9783642003035
KeywordsContext information, Emergency conditions, Emergency scenario, Geographic information systems, Information fusion, Meta-model transformations, Model driven approach, Model driven architectures, Semantics, Software architecture, Technological framework, Unified Modeling Language, Web engineering, Websites
AbstractAdaptive WEB GIS systems are emerging as a promising technology for managing highly dynamic situations such as in emergencies. Such situations require quick response and combination of static and dynamic data. Context information is crucial for understanding the possible roles within the rescue teams and the possibility for their collaboration. Emergency conditions require adjustments of performance and behavior according to the information and activation of the components and according to the needs of the users. In this paper, we propose a context-aware meta model for a WEB GIS interface. This model is based on the unified modeling language (UML) and the model driven architecture (MDA) paradigm. The proposed framework is described in terms of an emerging web engineering paradigm by specializing a meta model transformation that adapts WEB GIS interfaces to the context information. A study case is taken from a flood emergency scenario. A discussion of the corresponding technological framework, together with a description of a test case, is given in order to show the feasibility of the proposed concept. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.