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Filters: Author is Andrea D'Ambrogio and Keyword is Performance models  [Clear All Filters]
D'Ambrogio, Andrea. "A model transformation framework for the automated building of performance models from UML models." In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Software and Performance, WOSP'05, 75-86., 2005.
D'Ambrogio, Andrea, and G. Iazeolla. "Performance model building of pervasive computing." In Proceedings - 2005 Workshop on Techniques, Methodologies and Tools for Performance Evaluation of Complex Systems, FIRB-Perf 2005, 44-53. Vol. 2005., 2005.
Bocciarelli, P., and Andrea D'Ambrogio. "A measurement framework for the parameterization of performance models of soa-based systems." In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, SE 2008, 1-6., 2008.
D'Ambrogio, Andrea, and L. Conticelli. "A Model-Driven approach for the performance management of grid-based applications." In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, SE 2008, 20-25., 2008.