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A model-driven method for building distributed simulation systems from business process models." In Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference., 2012.
"A model-driven method for describing and predicting the reliability of composite services." Software and Systems Modeling 10 (2011): 265-280.
"A model-driven method for enacting the design-time QoS analysis of business processes." Software and Systems Modeling 13 (2014): 573-598.
"A model-driven method for the design-time performance analysis of service-oriented software systems In Modeling and Simulation of Computer Networks and Systems: Methodologies and Applications. Elsevier Inc., 2015.
Model-driven performability analysis of composite web services." Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 5119 LNCS (2008): 228-246.
"Model-driven performance prediction of HLA-based distributed simulation systems." In Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference., 2012.
"Model-driven quality engineering of service-based systems." Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 2 (2010): 81-103.
"A model-driven WSDL extension for describing the QoS of web services." In Proceedings - ICWS 2006: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 789-796., 2006.
"Modeling approaches for the design and analysis of complex systems." In CEUR Workshop Proceedings, edited by , 155-157. Vol. 1300. CEUR-WS, 2014.
"Modeling-To-simulation: Transformation approaches to boost automation in modeling & simulation." In Simulation Series, 436-443. Vol. 48., 2016.
"Ontology-based specification of simulation sequences." International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology 10 (2009): 67-78.
"Performability-oriented description and analysis of business processes In Business Process Modeling: Software Engineering, Analysis and Applications. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2011.
Performance model building of pervasive computing." In Proceedings - 2005 Workshop on Techniques, Methodologies and Tools for Performance Evaluation of Complex Systems, FIRB-Perf 2005, 44-53. Vol. 2005., 2005.
"Producing simulation sequences by use of a java-based generalized framework." In Proceedings - EMS 2008, European Modelling Symposium, 2nd UKSim European Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation, 171-176., 2008.
"A programming approach for complex animations. Part II. Reconstruction of a real disaster." CAD Computer Aided Design 31 (1999): 711-732.
"QShare: QoS-enabled description and discovery of services in SOA-based P2P applications." In Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE, 159-164., 2007.
"Referencing capabilities for collaborative engineering of conceptual process modeling with object-role modeling." In Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE, edited by Reddy S.M., 217-222. IEEE Computer Society, 2014.
"Report of collaborative modeling and simulation (CoMetS) track of WETICE 2016." In Proceedings - 25th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2016, edited by Gaaloul W. Reddy S.M., 116-117. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016.
"A SaaS-based automated framework to build and execute distributed simulations from SysML models." In Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference - Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, WSC 2013, 1371-1382., 2013.
"A service Systems Engineering framework with application to performance based logistics." In 1st IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, ISSE 2015 - Proceedings, 311-317. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015.
"Setting systems and simulation life cycle processes side by side." In ISSE 2016 - 2016 International Symposium on Systems Engineering - Proceedings Papers. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016.
"SimJ: A framework to develop distributed simulators." In Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2006, SCSC'06, Part of the 2006 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim'06, 149-156., 2006.
"Simulation model building of traffic intersections." Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 17 (2009): 625-640.
"Simulation-based performance and reliability analysis of business processes." In Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, edited by , 3012-3023. Vol. 2015-January. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015.
"A software architecture to ease the development of distributed simulation systems." SIMULATION 87 (2011): 819-836.